Wednesday 5 March 2014

Photo editing (continued)

During the animatic process I had photographed some exterior shots of the building in case I wanted to use them later on to blog or potentially as a poster image. Originally the picture was in colour, and whilst the gates still looked striking I wanted to edit it so it would appear more intimidating, and create more of a horror effect. I thought that by making the gates stand out more I could hopefully imply that the building was an asylum, especially with the trees either side and the steps leading up to the front door.

I transferred the photo into black and white , which was both a connotation of the fact our film is set in the past and gives the building an older lunatic asylum type appearance. This also made the fallen leaves stand out more, implying that it's set in Winter, and overall makes the exterior look more gloomy. I changed the contrast levels so that the gates became really dark in colour, and the door was more noticeable (as it was previously green which merged more into the rest of the building.) 
I liked this image for a horror poster, and did contemplate using it by itself, as some posters such as "Silent House" and "My Amityville Horror", focus solely on the location as their USP.

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