Wednesday 5 March 2014

Editing Photos


I felt that these were the two most powerful images to work with. I particularly like the first one as the pose of Cecilia is clearly distressed and she looks devastated, mirroring how she would feel being separated from her child. I wanted to use images of Cecilia as she is a primary character, and her character faces the worst circumstances throughout the narrative. We want the audience to feel sympathy and side with her from the very beginning and so its important that she is presented in this way. The second picture focuses more on the religious connotations of her character, as she is posed in a way that makes her appear to almost be praying, and more clearly displays her nun costume and crucifix necklace.

I decided to work on firstly photoshopping the images to see what effects I could create and remove the background to give me only the figure to work with.

I used the lassoo tool on photoshop in order to remove the background, and then the feather tool to blend the edges into the white background. I was then left purely with the figure to work on/edit against different backgrounds.

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