Wednesday 12 March 2014

Editing my poster

 I came up with the idea of fading the image of the asylum into the poster, as I had originally wanted to use it, and feel that it is a key part of our plot. I hoped that by editing the asylum in, I could imply the idea of Cecilia being forever "enclosed" or bound to the asylum. I used photoshop and pixlr to merge the image over my previous image of Cecilia.

I added transparency to the asylum image so that it didn't look like too harsh a contrast between them and the image of Cecilia. I also initially liked the idea of it looking like a "ghostly" effect as it seemed to fade into the background. I also created a shadow effect behind Cecilia which made the outline look more ghostly. I then worked on changing the text slightly as it appeared too small and bunched up at the top of the page.

I made the tagline text more central in order to make sure the upper section didn't look too bare. I wanted it to move diagonally down the page in order to add to the faded effect, I lifted this style of positioning from "the ring" poster, where the text is disjointed across the page , which creates more of an effect as you read it.

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