Saturday 1 March 2014

First draft film poster

This was the first draft of my film poster. I began making a general poster template on Indesign with the film title, tagline and billing block. I used the font "Trajan Pro" to create the film title, this had an effect which gave points to the lettering and looked effective for reflecting a horror genre. I found that this font was similar to those in: 


Both of these posters use a stylistically similar font, also in a red colouring which has clear connotations with blood and gore. My other group members have also used the same font in order to give the feeling of being a "brand" or real production. We have also all used the same billing block , with the official billing block template which Harri (group member) managed to find online. By doing this we were able to make it as conventionally similar as possible to real posters.
I also added the social networking icons of "facebook" and "twitter" and well as the #trend in order to promote the film. This is a marketing technique which most recent film posters use in order to get the public talking about the film, which self-promotes it. I used the release date of "October" in order to relate to Halloween, and also because I wanted it to be set in a Winter month.

The tagline, "the past will always haunt you," is specifically relate- able to our film because it reflects the idea of Cecilia never being able to escape from her past. The memories of her father and his evil in the asylum will always surround her, and when Harri calls her in an effort to re-unite with her son, she is forced return to the asylum (where she was raped) knowing that it will anger her father, in a desperate attempt to save her son.

Obviously in this first draft there is a great deal of blank space with which I had to decide what to add into my poster.

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