Wednesday 5 March 2014

Making Improvements

I tried to incorporate the suggested changes into my designing process. I found it difficult to find an appropriate image of Sean to put into the background, as full body images didn't fit properly into the frame. They also clashed with parts of the gate and didn't align properly. I instead decided to photoshop an image of Sean's face to see if I could fade it into the background.

This was my initial attempt of removing the background. I then tried a number of effects to make his appearance look more threatening/haunting. 

I liked how this effect made his face appear more pale and changed the contrast to look more haunting. It seemed to intensify his expression and his eyes but I still wanted to feather the outline more.

I removed more of the image so that I was left with only the face. I then feathered and blurred the edges to make the outline look smoother. I uploaded the image into pixlr and tried some effects such as changing hue and contrast. I then used a smoke effect again which created the shadows around the edge of his face. I really liked this and considered trying to insert the image of Sean into a different poster design, similar to the way Leonardo DiCaprio's face is faded into the "shutter island" poster:

Obviously I didn't aim for my poster to be quite as professional as this, but I did like the idea of incorporating Sean's face over the asylum , I felt that this might create quite a scary image which might have been more striking than my initial poster idea.

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