Sunday 15 December 2013

Shooting the animatic

For the last few weeks our group has been working on creating an animatic, in this we have been putting together photographs to represent each different shot we plan to use in our real trailer. We have also been editing, to add the transitions we plan to use, as well as soundtracks and inter titles. Doing this has given us a better idea of how realistic our storyboards are, and whether the shots we drew out on our storyboards are achievable for the real thing.

We have been using our chosen location (The Mulberry House Conference Centre) in our free-time after school for doing photo shoots, and also had to take photographs at the train station for one of our flashback scenes. Once of all our photographs were taken we began editing them together. We have used soundtracks underneath the photos, representing where they would begin playing under our real trailer. We found copyright-free music and sound effects online, which worked well with our horror film. For the majority of the trailer we have used an eerie , subtle piece of music using piano. This works especially well in the beginning, where the psychiatrist is first looking around the asylum. There is a piece of more dramatic music accompanying the implied sexual assault scene, and a more fast paced soundtrack as the montage of shots begin. 

Here are some initial photos of our location from the first time we went looking for ideas for our animatic:

I plan to upload more of the photos we've taken for our animatic soon, we've taken around 60-70 photographs all together, and have chosen the best quality images for our animatic.

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