Sunday 17 November 2013

Target Audience

Target Audience for Enclosed 

As a group we discussed the key aspects of our target audience. The first main topic we covered is that our film is a Psychological Thriller. Therefore we want to target a more mature audience.

"Psychological thriller
 is a fictional thriller story which emphasizes the psychology of its characters and their unstable emotional states. In terms of classification, the category is a sub-genre of the broader ranging thriller category,with similarities to Gothic and detective fiction in the sense of sometimes having a "dissolving sense of reality", moral ambiguity, and complex and tortured relationships between obsessive and pathological characters. Psychological thrillers often incorporate elements of mysterydrama, and horror, particularly psychological horror. They are usually books or films."

Psychological thrillers can often have an age certificate rating of 15+ or even 18+. Our trailer will mostly likely have a 15 rating as violent content is not hugely prominent, and there are no uses of bad language etc. Though some audiences might be teenagers around the age of 16, we mainly want to aim our film at adults. Adults are more likely to appreciate the drama and suspense side of the film than teenagers. Whereas teenagers prefer more horror orientated films with the shock factor, as they like to be scared and made to jump.
Another reason for aiming at an older audience is that the characters in our film mainly represents adult characters. One character is meant to represent a 16 year old, but the others are supposed to represent adults aged 30 plus. Audience members are more likely to watch films which feature characters of their own age, whom they can relate to. Our trailer also contains mature themes, which will attract an adult audience. For example the trailer shows an implication of rape, mental illnesses, and maternal love, these films are all more appropriate and understandable to the older audience.
Therefore , we are targeting our film at adults aged 25-40 years old.

Our film is directed at an audience both male and female. Though it may attract a slightly higher number of male viewers. This is because our trailer represents both genders. Though there is only one female main character, she plays an extremely large part in the narrative, and her story is absolutely central to the plot. There will also be additional female extras and patients within the asylum. However, the fact that there are more male characters may influence more male audience members to watch the film.

Our audience is more likely to be middle class according to today's occupational class system. We feel that this is more likely because the middle class audience has a higher disposable income, to spend on leisure activities such as going to the cinema. But mainly because the film represents middle class occupations. The Psychiatrist, owner of the asylum and health "professionals" are middle class roles.

Audience members are likely to:

-Be a fan of the genre
-Have read and enjoyed crime novels or watched crime dramas
-Watched other Thrillers, not just psychological/horror thrillers, such as Limitless and The Purge
Be employed in a middle class job
-Have a family of their own
-Be married/in a long-term relationship
-View the film with a partner or a friend

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