Sunday 17 November 2013


We have now completed a full storyboard for our film trailer.As a group we discussed what key shots we wanted to display in the trailer. Harri then drew out the images, whilst Meg and I wrote the shot type and action portrayed within it. In total there 95-100 shots in our storyboard. Though this may seem like a large number, we thought it would be better to have to take some scenes out, rather than add and draw extra ones. We are also aware that we might have to change and rearrange the order of some shots, as we may decide differently when it comes to actually filming them.

We have been allocating times for each shot, to try and get a better idea of how long each shot should last. When this process is finished we hope that the total trailer time will last for roughly 2 minutes, 30 seconds. We are aware however that each estimate may change when it comes to actually shooting, for example we might have to lengthen some shots and shorten others.

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