Sunday 20 October 2013

My individual plot idea

Genre: Psychological Horror.

-A man moves into a new town with his family as a result of his new job. He is a supervisor at a mental hospital, but him this is not unusual as he has had similar jobs in the past.
-It becomes clear that there is something wrong in the town, every morning at 5am the animals in the fields are noisy and disturbed.
-One morning, a dead lamb is found in the swing at the park, the townspeople become concerned, wondering who could have placed it there.
-A few days later, multiple animals are found hanging in the woods. People begin to suspect that one of the mental patients could be the culprit.
-One night, the man's family drive down to the hospital to pick him up from work, as they are intending to go to a party straight afterwards.
-There is a delay and twenty minutes later he still has not finished work, so his wife approaches the entrance but everything is dark. The doors are wide open. She walks through the door using the light from her phone, immediately after she steps inside, the doors close. She is trapped inside.
-The film becomes a story of her escape as the patients have taken over the asylum and locked up the staff. Some torture the staff, whilst some have escaped.
-Throughout the film, the audience are shown shots of nuns whom they assume are praying for the safety of the townspeople.
-It is later revealed that they are providing refuge for the ringleader who sparked the rebellion in the hospital. It turns out that he is the secret son of one of the nuns, whom she had been forced to give up for adoption many years ago.
-She feels guilt as she knows that the man (who's the main character) is in fact the father of the boy,  but he's never been told.
-The son has found out about his family history elsewhere after a lifelong obsession with knowing that he did not fit in, and feeling lost. He believes that his real father did know about his existence all along and voluntarily had him adopted, and is driven insane by the thought, causing him to spark the rebellion.

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