Tuesday 8 April 2014

Magazine drafting

 This was my first initial magazine design, giving a rough idea of the layout and image I wanted to use. I named my film magazine, "Premiere" which has obvious connotations with film premieres, suggesting exclusive first-hand access to new films. I have used a bold masthead font, and decided to make the issue a "horror special," rather than attempting to create a magazine which specialises in the genre, as these are uncommon. I have used additional images to add to its authenticity and began to add coverlines and stories.

For this draft I tried using a horror wallpaper background behind the masthead. I liked the idea of it, but clearly if I wished to use it in my submission, I would need to fade and feather to contrast between this image, and the main image of Harri. The image of Harri (the psychiatrist character), was created using Photoshop, where I removed the background and added red ink stains to create a bloodstain effect. However, I feel after some deliberation that the image is not effective enough , as the quality is not as clear as I would like it to be. It does not seem striking enough for a front cover image, and I don't feel that it clearly defines the genre enough.

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