Tuesday 11 February 2014

Our Animatic

Below is our full trailer animatic.
It includes music soundtracks and shows a still image representative of each full shot and scene which we hope to include in our final production

We used our filming location (Mulberry house) for both interior and exterior shots. We managed to create some mise-en-scene by constructing certain objects to reflect our desired setting of a mental hospital. However, in our real trailer we hope to invest more into props and costumes. During the process we were able to bring our drawn storyboards to life and get a better idea of how visually effective each scene would be. We adapted many of the original sketches, even in terms of simply changing the camera angles. The process allowed us to see what ideas worked, and which were unrealistic or ineffective, we were then able to re-draft ideas which we felt wouldn't work and improve them when shooting for our full trailer.

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