Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Audience feedback

We asked 10 adults to view our animatic and give their opinions on it. We asked adults as our target audience is within the age category of 25-45.

Our media studies class also viewed and gave their feedback on areas for improvement for our real trailer.
They agreed that our location was very effective as a representation for a mental hospital, and that our construction of mise-en-scene was creative and believable.
However it was commented that the narrative was not entirely clear. All classmates established the relationship between the Psychiatrist and the boy, however some were left unsure of the role of the head of asylum. In our trailer we hope to make this clearer using dialogue which concisely clarifies the relationship. We have already created a script to display this, however at the time of creating our animatic we were unable to produce the voice-overs. Another criticism was that although the music choice worked well with the scenes it accompanied, the pace changed far too abruptly. In our full trailer we hope to improve this by allowing it to gradually fade in and out.

Outside of school , we asked the adults who viewed the trailer whether the narrative was clear, whether they would be interested in watching a film based on our animatic , and numerous other questions.
Seven out of ten adults agreed that they would be interested in viewing the "enclosed film."
The majority of them also picked up on the abrupt changes in the soundtrack and suggested using a slower paced soundtrack the whole way through and gradually fading in other tracks when relevant.
Our audience research also allowed us to conclude that viewers were clearly able to identify the religious significance in the film, with 6 members stating that the image of the nun and rosary beads was eye catching and had stayed in their minds after seeing it. The audience also clearly established the link between the "enclosed" title and the theme of the mental hospital setting. However a common comment was the inquiry as to whether Lwci&Megan's roles were significant, and whether Sean was the villain to the story. We hope to establish more clearly in the trailer a feeling of sympathy for Sean (the boy) so that the audience is on his side, this will be achieved by featuring the boy in more of the scenes and the use of our dialogue.

Our Animatic

Below is our full trailer animatic.
It includes music soundtracks and shows a still image representative of each full shot and scene which we hope to include in our final production

We used our filming location (Mulberry house) for both interior and exterior shots. We managed to create some mise-en-scene by constructing certain objects to reflect our desired setting of a mental hospital. However, in our real trailer we hope to invest more into props and costumes. During the process we were able to bring our drawn storyboards to life and get a better idea of how visually effective each scene would be. We adapted many of the original sketches, even in terms of simply changing the camera angles. The process allowed us to see what ideas worked, and which were unrealistic or ineffective, we were then able to re-draft ideas which we felt wouldn't work and improve them when shooting for our full trailer.

Enclosed Animatic